Site News

May News + Spotlight

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku


Moving forward into May...

With the passing of April- the Recent Events Annex will soon be updated as well. All of the Linguan raffle prizes have been completed, and we have a small update to how some items work:

Small and Large Mutation Potions for Whiffling Redesigns now can alter Animal Influences in both cases. Small redesigns can alter the animal in the same rarity tier - but the design has to look the same (aka a Small Redesign). Large redesigns can look entirely different and up the rarity by 1 stage or go down to any stage. If you want to upgrade say... a Cat Influence to a Dragon Influence, you will need 2 Large Mutation Potions though. I hope that makes sense! Prices for OA Redesigns haven't changed.


The next Prompt is: Cosplay!


As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!



The Spotlight member this month is Andie !

Your recent artwork submissions have been really well done! Nice work!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.

 We wouldn't be what we are without you!


This month #227 Chimera and #273 Solar Eclipse were voted in as our Spotlight characters!

They former belongs to Andie, and the latter to Howee!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of May will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more. [Especially some of the upcoming prompt uploads!!!]


Please visit the Sales page to see what's open [Nothing at the moment!], and check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of May-
Fulgarite , Crab79 , and kazulthedragon !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

April News, Spotlight, and Raffle Results!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku


Moving forward into April...

With the passing of March- the prizes from the 8th Anniversary Raffle will be revealed just below! The Recent Events Annex will be updated as well.

Screen Shot 2023-04-01 at 8.46.57 AM by mewhaku

Major congratulations to the winners! Shrike , uzkost , kazulthedragon , FNGaymer , SpicyIsopods , and Phoenix!

Rewards are as described here, and I'll reach out as well!  

mewhaku is currently continuing work on all Event Memento's for previous group events. Thank you to everyone also who participated in our Idioms Prompt last month! You'll have received the Idiomatic Pamphlets MYO Item - which allows you to created your own Triceridos. What are Triceridos you ask? There has been a new major discovery- a Paralogos subspecies as revealed the day previous HERE. Idiom Claims are listed HERE due to Masterlist code constraints.


The next Prompt is: What If....?


As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!



The Spotlight member this month is Shrike !

You've taken on so many collaborations this past month and worked so hard! 

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.

 We wouldn't be what we are without you!


This month #614 Gourd and #171 Ethanol were voted in as our Spotlight characters!

They former belongs to RexAraneo, and the latter to Shrike!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of April will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.


Please visit the Sales page to see what's open [Nothing at the moment!], and check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of April-
mewhaku , PrincePoke , Cloudsteps , and Zevhara !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

World of Lingua 8th Anniversary Raffle! + Memento! [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku

CLOSED - releasing results in the news post!

As it is March 7th...

We'd love to celebrate a bit, considering this day is the 8th Anniversary of the Paralogos and (and by association) Whiffling Species!

mewhaku (Mew, aka me) would like to give back a little bit and hand out some gifts to celebrate the species! [this was originally posted a day before but yes!]

In honor of the anniversary, and our site growing so large, we've made a 8th Anniversary Memento. This can be claimed (if you didn't already enter the raffle) via the Claims feature.


The reward of 8 ink and 8 caps per entrant will be rewarded alongside the 8th Anniversary Memento as part of that grant. So thank you for your patience! And thank you all for coming together to make this group and site what it is... a personal note from my (mewhaku) heart, I am so thankful for each and every one of you.

The Prizes for this Raffle will be the following:

  1. First Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos (EDIT: including Triceridos!) or Whiffling Design between levels 1-6 or Common - Uncommon - Rare from mewhaku
  2. Second Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos (EDIT: as a special bonus, including Triceridos!) or Whiffling Design between levels 1-3 or Common - Uncommon from mewhaku
  3. Third Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Fullbody Character Artwork (Preferably a Paralogos but can also be Whiffling, or another feral species/fantasy character) from mewhaku
  4. Fourth Place Wins: The same as third place!
  5. Fifth Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Headshot Character Artwork from mewhaku
  6. Sixth Place Wins: The same as fifth place!
  7. All other participants: Get 8 Ink and 8 Caps for entering the raffle! and All Participants will earn a special Collectible/Memento in honor of the 8th Anniversary.

To take a look at the various examples of mewhaku's work, check her DeviantArt Gallery! (Though she'll be the first to admit she has a massive backlog of stuff to upload.) *Also any Whiffling Customs will get 1* free Fae or Devilish trait, you can add additional potions as well. Alternatively, you can exchange the basic 'any custom' Whiffling reward for a custom from a Whiffling Breeding, which will be rolled as an additional free prize.

How to Earn Tickets

  1. Comment on this post, and state you'd like to enter the raffle! (+1 Ticket)
  2. Mention your favorite memory of your time with the Paralogos OR Whiffling species! (If you only recently joined, feel free to share something you're excited about for the species or its world!) (+1 Ticket)
  3. Advertise this raffle in up to 3 locations, with a link to this post! (Up to +3 Tickets)
The end date for the raffle is March 31st!!

[Subspecies Release] Triceridos!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku

Hi All! A Bonus surprise for our Anniversary Month-

We are extremely excited to announce a Paralogos subspecies!

Yes! A subspecies. Meaning overall they are functionally considered Paralogos, but have some distinct quirks and traits.

They are called Triceridos and are based on idioms instead of words!
You can learn more about them in the newly released Chapter 12 - The Triceridos Subspecies




You can make them with this month's Prompt Reward. An Idiomatic Pamphlet!


Which will be given out to participants of the Curious Idioms Prompt after this post.
We also have a special Offer to Adopt Triceridos sale of two Triceridos each by Mouse and mewhaku to come in just a few moments!


Keita is the mascot for this subspecies!


March Spotlight, News, and Gift Exchange Completion!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku


Moving forward into March...

We'll be hitting the 8th Anniversary for the World Of Lingua group on March 7th! So stay tuned for fun prizes and announcements this coming month. Our Gift Exchange Event concluded as well, so please check out its Event Gallery filling up with such kind gifts! Also the Recent Events Annex has been updated as well.

Of note- everyone who participated WILL get a special Event Memento! mewhaku is currently starting work on that Memento and other Memento's for previous group events, we're working on updating the Past Events page with more current records and also ensuring each of them have a special Memento associated with them. So if you participated in Past Events, please make sure you get that information together for a future Memento release!


The next Prompt is: Curious Idioms


It seems there is a VERY SPECIAL SURPRISE REWARD for participating this month, so please take a look!

As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!



The Spotlight member this month is wanderandfriend !

It has been lovely seeing you return to the group with your creative characters and challenging yourself with drawing Paralogos!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted a Membership Card as a thank you!

Membership Card

 We wouldn't be what we are without you!


This month #94 Red Milk Snake and #64 Holly were randomly chosen via RNG as our Spotlight characters!

They former belongs to Shadonut, and the latter to monty!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of March will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.


Please visit the Sales page to see what's open [Nothing at the moment!], and check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of March-
bio-zuzu , Provie , Iron , Inkcess , and @/102vvv  !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

A Linguan 2023 Gift Exchange [EVENT - CLOSED]

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku


As February has rolled around... One has to wonder, were any of Lingua's residents planning a gift exchange? It seems Arden and Sybil have something they're cooking up actually! A gift exchange that will be revealed at the end of February!


  • Everyone who signs up for this event will randomly be assigned one (1) other member who they will create an artwork for.
  • To keep up the surprise, please don't share your assigned member and/or your artwork with anyone until Posting Day (March 1st)!
  • On February 5th, you will receive a Contact Note (Discord preferred!) with all relevant information on your assigned member.
  • You then have 3 weeks (approximately) to create your artwork.
    • We ask for your artwork or writing to be worth at least 7 World of Lingua Currency (see Earning Currency - min. shaded headshot / 350 words). [You can also do a few gifts that summed up are worth at least 7 WoL currency. No it doesn't have to be Valentine's themed, can just do any gift theme!]
  • When you're done, reply to the contact note (Discord) with your completed artwork until February 28th at the latest.
    • If you're unable to complete your artwork in time, please contact the group as soon as possible so we can reach out to a backup artist!
    • Depending on circumstances, you might be banned from future art exchange events if you abandon your art assignment - so please make sure to only sign up if you're sure you can create an artwork in time!




Sign-Up: January 24th - February 4th [Closed]
Info is sent out: February 5th [Closed]

Time to Create: February 5th (6th)-February 28th
Deadline: February 28th

Posting Day: March 1st [Here!!!]


To sign up for this event, fill out this google form! [CLOSED]

Happy Valentines! Take a Look at the Preserve!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by mewhaku

Hello all! Happy Valentine's Day! 

Firstly, all currently available designs at the Linguan Preserve have had their costs halved to help them find homes. This is active now. [and will stay active!]
As a special treat we're releasing 4 of our ongoing projects into the Linguan Preserve today at 5pm EST: [EDIT: all went up!]


Paralogos Dragonfruit! With their Dinosaur Companion.


Whiffling Skunk!


Whiffling Tofu with their Normal Pet!



Whiffling Nutmeg!

As part of an ongoing project, admin team members may grab an available MYO slot from the Linguan Preserve and work on it to complete an actual design for it. Designs made from these MYO slots will cost the base cost of the MYO slot in question, regardless of trait or rarity upgrades. 

We thought this might be a fun thing to do for members! And to help fully realize these MYO claims. =D

We'll place MYO slot claims back into the Preserve [DONE], but if one disappears, they may be getting an admin makeover! We hope you all enjoy. Thanks! 


Lorekeeper / Twitter Changes

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by mewhaku

Hello everyone! Just a heads up News Post that due to the upcoming removal of free access to Twitter's Application Programming Interface (API) on February 9th, it is recommended you switch the primary alias you use for World of Lingua, as the stuff we use to manage account linking on Twitter might break. You can do this from the Aliases Page in the Setting Tab. Keep in mind that you may have to re-link a different account if the API changes make account linking non-functional, but otherwise, nothing will happen to your account. We're sorry to see Twitter make this change, but we'll adapt to it. 

February Spotlight + News

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by mewhaku


Moving forward into February...

We currently have our Gift Exchange Event open for sign ups until February 4th! In other news, we now have 'drop' information on all our items thanks to a new backend update from the resident Mouse - whom we all thank for taking on website backend updates and error fixing! This past month we also enabled the Crowns feature for Whifflings.


The next Prompt is: Treasured Gifts


As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!



The Spotlight member this month is RexAraneo !

It has been a wonderful addition in you joining the group, and we've loved what you've contributed so far!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted a Membership Card as a thank you!

Membership Card

 We wouldn't be what we are without you!


This month #748 Possessed Armor and #123 Autumn were voted in as our Spotlight characters!

They both belong to Shrike!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of February will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.


Please visit the Sales page to see what's open [Nothing at the moment!], and check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! Remember, if you see a MYO slot on LogosLibrary 's MYO page you'd like to claim- just DM mewhaku on Discord.


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of February-
Phoenix , SpicyIsopods , Kinbrmon , Peaches99 , Shadonut,  and Rattus  !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

Whiffling Crowns are now Live!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by mewhaku

Whiffling Crowns are now live! The last part of Whiffling Achievements is now attainable!

EDIT: It looks like we forgot to mention something! You can bribe the Marks of Recognition rewarders- with Wads of Cash. Now available in Whiffle Wares.

We also previously added more information about the currency of Lingua to Chapter 2 if we haven't said it previously!


You can now view Annex 7: Whiffling Crowns. 


Rhosyn, the Whiffling Crown Tasks manager, has her gleaming golden crown as it stands. She'll guide you through the process.

Remember: Flower or plant material crowns are allowed as a non-trait. Anything else you'll need to earn via this feature!

Right now the Season is Winter, so it means you'll be able to complete the following tasks to earn Marks of Recognition!

[A New Character Currency used to gain Crowns.]

1) Help with cleaning up litter.
2) Help an overwhelmed shopkeeper with their shop.
3) Help with decorating for the winter season and/or make Linguans feel celebratory!
4) Help with making toys for children.
5) Help with making candles or soaps.
6) Help with shovelling snow and/or cleaning up ice.

We implore you to ask any questions about this new feature in our Discord or via the Ask Questions here prompt. Thanks for your patience, and we look forward to seeing your Whifflings help out around Lingua! =D