Site News
October Spotlight
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by MouseOur Art Exchange Event was a wonderful success!
It has concluded, gifts have been sent out- and we hope everyone will enjoy uploading their completed gifts.
Keep an eye out for some spooky Paralogos adopts in the middle of October!
The new Monthly Prompt has been released: A Spooky Revenge?!

The Spotlight member this month is Numbunny !
You have made some wonderful pieces and some collaborations as of recent times and we are so happy to see your work in the group!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]

This month #482 Daydream (Penelope) has taken the winning spot in our poll! They belong to Jess !
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos through the month of October will get a bonus +3 flat INK
The owner of the Spotlight Paralogos will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal ink from having someone else draw your owned Paralogos.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.
[Deviantart obviously does not give us thumbnails for our website posts-
so we will be showcasing at most 10 images a month that should be linked to the original uploads. Literature will be linked to as well.]
Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
For a visual guide, you can visit the Sales Folder on DeviantArt for direct links to adopt sets, and now we also have the Sales page on site too!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of October-
Fafnir , Andie , bonnbonn , and Shrike !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
Comments + other QoL
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by MouseGreetings everyone!
We've got a few Quality of Life updates for you all today!
You can now leave comments on!
Specifically, you can comment on news posts and profiles!
We also have the ability to enable comments on pages. We will make use of this part of the feature later down the line.
Part of this update is also the new user icon feature - you can set/change yours via your account settings!
Items in your inventory will now stack.
This means that if you own multiple units of an item, they will be combined into one stack that tracks the amount and source of every unit of that item.
This system allows you to handle multiple item units at the same time - meaning you could f.e. send over 3 Sparks of Insight to a friend with just one transfer (4 clicks) instead of three (9 clicks)!
It also allows you to purchase multiple items at once in our shops!
All adoptable Paralogos will now be tracked via the new Sales Post feature (see the next to "news" in the top navigation bar).
These posts let you know of all available adopts and prices as well as all contact options for the artist at a glance.
This means that you are no longer forced to check dA regularly (or to be on our discord server) to see new Paralogos adopts - since new sales posts are announced just like new news posts!
Because of the new comment system, this also gives our designers the option to sell Paralogos directly via the sales posts!
Meaning you might see designs being sold exclusively via comments on sales pages, or having the option to buy it either on dA or via the sales page, etc.
This will not fully replace sales held on DeviantArt, but will be an addition to them.
You will still need to buy a design off-site in most cases by contacting the artist in question, and a design may be claimed off-site depending on how an artist decides to hold their sales.
You can now select a "ask first" option for gift art on the masterlist via character profiles!
New news posts (and sales posts!) will now be made visible via the link in the navigation bar changing its color to yellow and a little bell appearing!
This update gets rid of the obstructing blue notification bar.
Again, thank you all so much for your patience!
If you have any question or feedback at all, feel free ask via the Ask Questions Here prompt! =)
September Spotlight
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by MouseThe art assignments for our Art Exchange event have been sent out!
We wish everyone who joined the event a lot of fun!
The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Illustration Interchange!

The Spotlight member this month is Oboe !
We saw most of your works from Art Fight near the end of July and at the beginning of August- you created many lovely pieces with vivid characters and scenes! We are also excited to see how you develop Music, your Paralogos.
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]

This month #438 Maho Shojo Anime (Utau) has taken the winning spot in our poll! They belong to Fulgarite !
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos through the month of August will get a bonus +3 flat INK
The owner of the Spotlight Paralogos will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal ink from having someone else draw your owned Paralogos.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.
[Deviantart obviously does not give us thumbnails for our website posts-
so we will be showcasing at most 10 images a month that should be linked to the original uploads. Literature will be linked to as well.]
Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
For another visual guide, you can visit the Sales Folder on DeviantArt for direct links to adopt sets.
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of September-
Speedy, Mouse and Jess !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
Art Exchange Event
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by MouseSummer's slowly grinding to a halt. Water balloons have been put away and now people are arguing about whether technology is great or not.
Memer clearly likes at least one type of technology- being able to capture moments in time as future souvenirs with a camera. But even they like to go back to non-digital aspects sometimes..
Like painting! It shouldn't be surprising that our finger painting savant is into the traditional arts.. And.. Though they refuse to show us the current status..
Apparently they're drawing this as.. a gift?
- Everyone who signs up for this event will randomly be assigned one (1) other member who they will create an artwork for.
- To keep up the surprise, please don't share your assigned member and/or your artwork with anyone until Posting Day (Oct 3rd)!
- On September 1st, you will receive a deviantart note with all relevant information on your assigned member.
- You then have one (1) month to create your artwork.
- We ask for your artwork to be worth at least 7 Ink (see Earning Ink - min. shaded headshot / 350 words).
- When you're done, reply to the deviantart note with your completed artwork until October 1st at the latest.
- If you're unable to complete your artwork in time, please contact the group as soon as possible so we can reach out to a backup artist!
- Depending on circumstances, you might be banned from future art exchange events if you abandon your art assignment - so please make sure to only sign up if you're sure you can create an artwork in time!
Sign-Up: August 21st - August 31st
Info is sent out: September 1st
Time to Create: September 1st - September 30th
Deadline: October 1st
Posting Day: October 3rd
To sign up for this event, fill out this google form!
August Spotlight + News
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Mouse
Hey everyone!
We've got a good chunk of smaller updates for you today! Let's get into it:
1) Companions are now set to be transferable
Previously, Companions were set as "cannot be gifted" and "cannot be traded" and would've been manually moved by an admin when a Paralogos with attached Companions was traded/transferred.
We asked the community via our discord server whether it'd be preferred to let members add Companions to trades/transfers themselves.
An overwhelming majority voted yes.
Meaning that now, when you trade or transfer a Paralogos with an attached Companion, you have to add the Companion to the trade / transfer them as well.
2) Minor new line in Default Ink form
To make the work for our Library Assistants easier, we added a line related to YCH details to the Default Ink Rewards prompt.
Please make sure to fill out the entire form whenever you submit artwork to this prompt. Thank you!
3) dA Points are no longer a default payment option
Because of Eclipse and the devaluation of dA Points, some of our Official Artists have decided to no longer take dA Points as payment.
Who decided how can be seen on the Official Artist Customs page.
4) New Redesign Page
There is now a Redesign Page.
It hosts information on how redesigns work, how to commission an Official Artist for a redesign and which redesign-related items do what.
5) Sparks of Insight are now purchasable!
They can now be bought via the Snapshot Shop for 70 each!
While they are on the pricier side, we decided to make them available for those of you who sit on a bunch of Ink and would enjoy an optional Ink sink =)
Of course, all of these updates are reflected in the User Guide that can be found in the footer of this website.
Furthermore, we're still continuously working on several features that are yet to be implemented or re-implemented.
Thank you all so much for your patience!
The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Technology Troubles!

The Spotlight member this month is Inkcess !
Thank you so much for making such grand images and commissions - beautiful scenes of many Paralogos!
You have helped us have beautiful views of Lingua and its residents.
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]

This month #468 Motivatie has taken the winning spot in our poll! They belong to Speedy !
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos through the month of August will get a bonus +3 flat INK
The owner of the Spotlight Paralogos will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal ink from having someone else draw your owned Paralogos.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.
[Deviantart obviously does not give us thumbnails for our website posts-
so we will be showcasing at most 10 images a month that should be linked to the original uploads. Literature will be linked to as well.]
There is one set which still has 1 Paralogos available from last month!
Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
For another visual guide, you can visit the Sales Folder on DeviantArt for direct links to adopt sets.
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of August-
justlikesoup !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
July Spotlight + News
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Mouse
Hey everyone!
We've released a big QoL update on June 16th that you can read about here if you haven't already!
We've also tried out google forms as an alternative to dA polls for the Spotlight Paralogos and it worked great from our end.
However, we'd greatly appreciate feedback from you about whether this is better or worse than dA polls for you.
Furthermore, we're still continuously working on several features that are yet to be implemented or re-implemented.
Thank you all so much for your patience!
The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Balloon Fight!

The Spotlight member this month is stareorini !
You've been working so hard in past months- creating some new characters
and working with others collaboratively, so we've wanted to recognize that! You also contributed a lovely GA adopt set too.
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]

This month #297 Melancholy (Bea) has taken the winning spot in our poll! They belong to Jess !
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos through the month of July will get a bonus +3 flat INK
The owner of the Spotlight Paralogos will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal ink from having someone else draw your owned Paralogos.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.
[Deviantart obviously does not give us thumbnails for our website posts-
so we will be showcasing at most 10 images a month that should be linked to the original uploads. Literature will be linked to as well.]
No new sets from the past month open at the moment! But please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale.
For another visual guide, you can visit the Sales Folder on DeviantArt for direct links to adopt sets.
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of July-
Howee , PromptoBeans , and tamingofthesandshrew !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
June Spotlight + News
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by SpeedyFirst of all: Once again, welcome to this new era of our Paralogos community!
We're very happy to see you all joining this website, enjoying the new automated features and asking good questions!
We've been working hard this past month to make sure our group stays as functional as possible.
At this point, we've finished transferring the masterlist and adjusting the pages on this website!
But sadly, we're not quite done yet.
Here's a list of our next goals (in no particular order):
- reimplementing Caretaker registrations & edits
- reimplementing the Membership Card function
- various QoL improvements (incl. moving Word Claims & MYO Slot transformations to this website)
We thank you all so much for your patience and understanding.
The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Logos at Work!
Furthermore, the Recent Events page has been updated.
Two quick notes regarding Monthly Prompts:
1) We added a rule regarding minimum effort for entries:
"Every entry must be worth a minimum of 5 ink."
2) There is now a 3 day grace period for Monthly Prompt submissions.
This means that submissions for Monthly Prompts will stay open until the 3rd, while the new prompt will always be released on the 1st.
Written by Mewhaku here! Hello all. Yes, so we've all spent a large amount of time getting the website created this month-
Thank you both [and thank you to all of our members!!!] again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:

This month #430 Bumblebee Jasper has taken the winning spot in our poll! They belong to Howee !

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos through the month of June will get a bonus +3 flat INK
The owner of the Spotlight Paralogos will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal ink from having someone else draw your owned Paralogos.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.
Be sure to check out the Sales Folder if you'd like to browse through a complete list of who's available for sale.
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of June-
Mercury & Numbunny !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month!
Members celebrating this month will receive their Small Loot Bag shortly.
If you want to sign up, head over here!
Word Claims + QoL Update
Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by MouseGreetings everyone!
We're here with an update that's going to make some things easier for everyone involved!
1) Word Claims and MYO item to slot transformations were moved to the new Start MYO Process prompt. They are now one step.
1.1) It's now mandatory to claim a word when you transform a Paralogos MYO item into a MYO slot.
1.2) Word Claims no longer expire.
2) Magic suggestions and questions were moved on-site to the new Magic Questions prompt.
3) General questions and inquiries can now, alternatively to dA notes, be sent in via the new Ask Questions Here prompt.
4) Signing up for the yearly Birthday gift is now done via claims instead of dA.
5) There is now a MYO Process page that explains the entire MYO process. It can be found in the "info" tab.
All these changes are reflected in the User Guide!
Word Claims are now mandatory and will no longer expire.
On this website, Word Claims are visibly attached to MYO slots, so we no longer require the Word Claims list.
When you want to check for existing Word Claims, you can simply type the word in the searchbar on the MYO Masterlist.
Because of this, Word Claims and MYO slot transformations are now one step via the Start MYO Process prompt.
All Word Claims that are currently not attached to MYO Slots can be seen on the Legacy Word Claims page.
Members who currently own MYO Slots without Word Claims or Word Claims without associated MYO Slots can fix this situation via the Start MYO Process prompt as well.
We furthermore determined that the expiration system (word claims expire after 3 months and have to be renewed) is no longer useful.
It was initially in place to prevent words to be lost to inactivity forever, but we realized that a case where someone claims a word that has previously been claimed is extremely rare and therefore not worth the immense effort to prevent it.
Instead, we are putting a soft rule in place where we allow members to contest Word Claims that are at least two years old.
The exact functionality of this system can be read up on on the Legacy Word Claim page.
Existing Word Claims can be changed or removed via the Start MYO Process prompt.
You can now also trade or gift MYO slots with attached Word Claims.
The Lorekeeper framework received an update that allows us to reply to prompt submissions. Meaning that we can now use prompts to give verbal feedback.
Because of this, we are moving the following functions to this website:
1.1) Magic Suggestions (now Magic Questions)
1.2) Making sure you Paralogos' Magic Ability will be approved (now Magic Questions)
1.3) Magic-related Questions (now Magic Questions)
2) General Questions/replacement for dA notes (now Ask Questions Here)
3) Sign-Up for the Birthday Feature (now done via Claims, see the User Guide for details)
Again, thank you all so much for your patience!
If you have any question or feedback at all, feel free to test out our new Ask Questions Here prompt! =)