
<a href=" Companion Card" class="display-item">Mythical Companion Card</a>

Mythical Companion Card

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This card can be used to attract a mythical companion for your Paralogos.

Uses: Creates a Mythical Companion MYO Slot



Ink Market, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Companion Card" class="display-item">Dinosaur Companion Card</a>

Dinosaur Companion Card

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This card can be used to attract a dinosaur companion for your Paralogos.

To clarify, this includes only non-avian dinosaurs (this means a velociraptor would be a dinosaur but not a terror bird, as one example).
As another example, animals such as those in the family of Plesiosauridae would fall under Common or Mythical depending on appearance,
while still sometimes being commonly called 'dinosaurs'.

As further clarification, individuals classified as avialans (such as archaeopteryx or similar) are for our purposes considered birds-
but fringe cases such as oculudentavis may end up decided at the opinion of the user when the science has not made a certain decision.

Uses: Creates a Dinosaur Companion MYO Slot



Ink Market, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Companion Card" class="display-item">Unlimited Companion Card</a>

Unlimited Companion Card

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This card can be used to attract any kind of companion for your Paralogos.

Uses: Creates Any Level of Companion MYO Slot



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" Pet Collar" class="display-item">Normal Pet Collar</a>

Normal Pet Collar

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This collar can be used to attract a normal Pet for your Whiffling.

Uses: Creates a Normal Pet MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pet Collar" class="display-item">Mythical Pet Collar</a>

Mythical Pet Collar

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This collar can be used to attract a mythical Pet for your Whiffling.

Uses: Creates a Mythical Pet MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pet Collar" class="display-item">Dinosaur Pet Collar</a>

Dinosaur Pet Collar

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This collar can be used to attract a dinosaurian Pet for your Whiffling.
To clarify, this includes only non-avian dinosaurs (this means a velociraptor would be a dinosaur but not a terror bird, as one example).
As another example, animals such as those in the family of Plesiosauridae would fall under Common or Mythical depending on appearance,
while still sometimes being commonly called 'dinosaurs'.

As further clarification, individuals classified as avialans (such as archaeopteryx or similar) are for our purposes considered birds-
but fringe cases such as oculudentavis may end up decided at the opinion of the user when the science has not made a certain decision.

Uses: Creates a Dinosaur Pet MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" MYO Ticket" class="display-item">Common MYO Ticket</a>

Common MYO Ticket

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This Ticket can be used to attract a Whiffling with a Common Scent and Animal Influence.

Uses: Creates a Common Whiffling MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" MYO Ticket" class="display-item">Uncommon MYO Ticket</a>

Uncommon MYO Ticket

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This Ticket can be used to attract a Whiffling with an Uncommon Scent and/or Animal Influence, or a mix of anything of a lower rarity of that nature.

Uses: Creates a Uncommon Whiffling MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" MYO Ticket" class="display-item">Rare MYO Ticket</a>

Rare MYO Ticket

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This Ticket can be used to attract a Whiffling with an Rare Scent and/or Animal Influence, or a mix of anything of a lower rarity of that nature.

Uses: Creates a Rare Whiffling MYO Slot



Whiffle Wares, Loot Bags

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" ID" class="display-item">Caretaker ID</a>

Caretaker ID

Category: MYO Items

Artist: mewhaku


This item can be used to register a Caretaker.

Uses: Creates a Caretaker MYO Slot



Ink Market, Whiffle Wares

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pet Collar" class="display-item">Unlimited Pet Collar</a>

Unlimited Pet Collar

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This collar can be used to attract any kind of pet for your Whiffling.

Uses: Creates Any Level of Whiffling Pet MYO Slot



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" MYO Ticket" class="display-item">Maverick MYO Ticket</a>

Maverick MYO Ticket

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Mouse

This Ticket can be used to attract a Maverick Whiffling. This could involve a mix of anything standard on Common - Rare rarities. The special factor of this type of Whiffling is that it can gain abnormal body traits such as a different type of muzzle, a second head- please read this page for more information. Alternatively, this Ticket can be used to convert an existing Whiffling into a new Maverick form.
[Only the Achievement related Maverick Ticket gift can be exchanged for a custom design of a Maverick Whiffling from an Official Artist.]

Uses: Creates a Maverick Whiffling MYO Slot, Used as a Design Update Item, or Trade in for a Custom Maverick Whiffling [specific case]



Achievement Award, Black Market

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pamphlet" class="display-item">Idiomatic Pamphlet</a>

Idiomatic Pamphlet

Category: MYO Items

Artist: mewhaku

This Pamphlet on idioms can be used to attract a Triceridos.

Uses: Creates a Triceridos MYO Slot


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" 1 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 1 Bookmark</a>

Level 1 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 1 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 1 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" 2 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 2 Bookmark</a>

Level 2 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 2 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 2 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" 3 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 3 Bookmark</a>

Level 3 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 3 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 3 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" 4 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 4 Bookmark</a>

Level 4 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 4 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 4 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" 5 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 5 Bookmark</a>

Level 5 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 5 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 5 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" 6 Bookmark" class="display-item">Level 6 Bookmark</a>

Level 6 Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Level 6 Paralogos design from an Official Artist.

Uses: Level 6 Custom Paralogos



Loot Bags, Prizes

<a href=" Bookmark" class="display-item">Unlimited Bookmark</a>

Unlimited Bookmark

Category: Vouchers

Artist: Mouse

This bookmark can be exchanged for a custom Paralogos design of any level (including Triceridos!) from an Official Artist.

Uses: Any Level Custom Paralogos or Triceridos



Loot Bags, Prizes

125 results found.