Whiffle Wares
You can use coupons in this store!

"Hm... who do we have here? I'm sure we could arrange something of a deal if you provide me with some 'caps. I find the best wares after all." Crowley says.
For information on how to use some of these items, please check out the MYO Process page!
Note: The conversion rate from Ink to Bottlecaps is 1.5 : 1
MYO Items
Caretaker ID
Cost: 0 

Common MYO Ticket
Cost: 50 

Dinosaur Pet Collar
Cost: 30 

Mythical Pet Collar
Cost: 20 

Design Updates
Cost: 25 

Large Devilish Potion
Cost: 150 

Large Fae Potion
Cost: 150 

Large Twin Potion
Cost: 200 

Magical Petnip
Cost: 35 

Small Devilish Potion
Cost: 50 

Small Fae Potion
Cost: 50 

Small Twin Potion
Cost: 50 

Wads of Cash
Cost: 35