6th Paralogos Anniversary

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku

As it is March 7th...

We'd love to celebrate a bit, considering this day is the 6th Anniversary of the Paralogos Species! 

mewhaku (Mew, aka me) would like to give back a little bit and hand out some gifts to celebrate the species!

With the roll of the raffle... the winners are in order:

1. PromptoBeans , 2. Shrike , 3. Celephone , 4. Howee , 5. Fulgarite , and 6. xJaydreamerx !

You will be contacted by mewhaku within 24 hours, as first she'll need to dole out the ink gifts and Mementos to all others involved!

In honor of the anniversary, and our site growing so large, we've released a special set of Memento Collectible Items. These can be claimed (including the 6th one, if you didn't already enter the raffle) via the Claims feature. 

In order to Claim an Anniversary Memento, all you need to do is provide a proof of your earliest year of activity in either the ParalogosDictionary OR Whifflings groups (artwork you may have made before membership can also count if you joined within the generally similar timeframe- say 6 months and continued to be an active member) and add it to the Claim's Comment section. This is due to the fact that we didn't have these items in earlier years, but going forward to claim future years you will need to be a site member / group member at minimum. 

Then, on the Rewards area of the claim, please select your Mementos you qualify for. You would be awarded the Memento from that year of activity, and any years after. (You qualify for the Memento starting with the year of activity- so for example, you joined 2017, you qualify for 3-> on. If you were available for 2018 you'd get 4-> on.) 

Also, as mewhaku came to realize the 1st year of activity was a bit scarce... anyone who qualifies for the 2nd year (2016-2017) will also receive the first year's Memento. (Otherwise it looks like mewhaku , Speedy, and Cloudsteps would be the only ones getting the 1st year award! But a special shoutout to those individuals all the same.) 

The reward of 6 ink per raffle entrant will be rewarded alongside the 6th Anniversary Memento as part of that grant. So thank you for your patience!  And thank you all for coming together to make this group and site what it is... a personal note from my (mewhaku) heart, I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Truly. ;_; 


[Paralogos] - Ginkgo

What a blast to the past! How far we've all come!


The Prizes for this Raffle will be the following:

  1. First Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos Design between levels 1-6 from mewhaku
  2. Second Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos Design between levels 1-3 from mewhaku
  3. Third Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Fullbody Character Artwork (Preferably a Paralogos, but can be another feral character or Whiffling) from mewhaku
  4. Fourth Place Wins: The same as third place!
  5. Fifth Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Headshot Character Artwork from mewhaku
  6. Sixth Place Wins: The same as fifth place!
  7. All other participants: Get 6 Ink for entering the raffle! and All Participants will earn a special Collectible/Memento in honor of the 6th Anniversary. 

You can also claim the collectible/memento to be distributed without entering the raffle, just make sure to mention that in your comment. 

To take a look at the various examples of mewhaku's work, check her DeviantArt Gallery!

How to Earn Tickets

  1. Comment on this post, and state you'd like to enter the raffle! (+1 Ticket)
  2. Mention your favorite memory of your time with the Paralogos species! (If you only recently joined, feel free to share something you're excited about for the species!) (+1 Ticket)
  3. Advertise this raffle in up to 3 locations, with a link to this post! (Up to +3 Tickets)





Fulgarite Avatar

I would like to enter the raffle please!
Hmmmmm favorite moment? Honestly the events that the Para's do. Just the creativity that everyone has to come up with, like the rogues and talking them down into joining the rest of us, the Mystery Event which had SEVERAL different steps and several different activities that really made us think and strategize to figure things out. I like puzzles XD As those are kind of the only main events I have personally been in since I've only been with the group since 2018 I think? Though I wasnt active until sometime in 2019 though. Thanks for all the great memories guys, its really helped with my drawing skills improving too! ^u^

Shared at:
Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9804155/
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/259438.paralogos-6th-year-anniversary
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/fulgarite/journal/Paralogos-6th-Year-Anniversary-872602029

2021-03-08 10:52:46

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Awarded +5 Tickets for this comment!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely memory- and we've been so happy to have you here in the community ;_; thank you again!

2021-03-09 09:18:04

SpicyIsopods Avatar
SpicyIsopods Staff Member

I would love to enter this lovely and generous giveaway, please! Congrats on SIX WHOLE DINO YEARS!!!

How can I ever pick a single favorite Paralogos memory? I have so many! But one particularly dear memory is when Noel and I brainstormed our librarians and libraries together, which helped us connect our characters (both the ones that existed at the time and the many we've gained since) to each other's and also give them more context within the world of Lingua as a whole! Allowing us to make our librarians into actual masterlist-registered characters was SUCH a good call and I'm so glad it happened because it really added a lot to my Paralogos experience~

Aaaand I advertised on DA and TH:

2021-03-08 02:49:57

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Awarded +4 Tickets for this comment!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely memory- I absolutely am pleased and smiling whenever I hear of such deep connection points for people and their characters- its just awesome. I don't have more words to describe that feeling.

Thank you also for sharing this!

2021-03-08 08:25:05

Shrike Avatar
Shrike Staff Member

Entering! What a wonderful milestone, congratulations!

My favorite memory is hard to choose, but I think the Whifflings + Paralogos joint advent would be among the top. I was so honored to be invited to make designs for the group, and I'm still quite proud of what I came up with! Rushing to claim "Corruption" when the advent dropped and then getting the most perfect boy ever to exist... a lot of fond memories of that time.


Thanks! Here's to many more years.

2021-03-07 22:16:11

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Awarded +4 Tickets for this comment!

Awwwwww that's a good memory to pick!! I really hope we can do something like that again... Thank you ;;
And thank you also for sharing this elsewhere!
I hope we can have many more years together in this group ;

2021-03-08 08:23:50

4sparkles Avatar

Entering, happy 6th birthday to Paralogos!!!

My favorite memory is probably when I first joined the group, but also every time the Paralogos group inspires me, which happens a lot! Both the lore and the community are a lot of fun to work with.

1. Twitter: https://twitter.com/4sparklesArt/status/1368719367836491786
2. DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/4sparkles/journal/Paralogos-Anniversary-Raffle-872542668
3. ToyHouse: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/259077.paralogos-anniversary-raffle-
Also sharing on IG stories

2021-03-07 21:33:07

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Awarded +5 Tickets for this comment!

Thank you so much for the kind words ;_; Glad we can continue to please! And thank you for sharing it elsewhere. =D

2021-03-08 08:22:31

absiste Avatar


I'd like to enter!

Favorite memories... I do love Mouse's fucking meme paralogos. The para w a human face. The human legs para. Tory. The cats... Seeing a Mouse meme is always a delight and gets a laugh out of me.


Thank you for this event!!!

2021-03-07 20:40:39

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Awarded +5 Tickets for this comment!

Honestly the memes that have arisen from this community never fail to make me laugh. Thank you for sharing that!

2021-03-08 08:21:33 (Edited 2021-03-08 08:21:45)

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