[Closed] In Awe of Aquarius

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by mewhaku
OTA: WHIFF-300-Gazing-At-Aquarius[Closed]
Design: Shadonut ・ Art: Shadonut

1 week after first offer. ・ Offer Here

USD = Art = Lingua Currency > Lingua/Mothcats ARPG items. Minimum $35 if offering USD alone - mixing offer components is welcomed and encouraged

A surprise from our Official Artist Shadonut, perfect for those who fall under this Zodiac Sign! Or generally Zodiac enjoyers...!

All payments need to be via PayPal - the character's designer will contact you to arrange payment once notified. 

Please note- regarding claim edits and withdrawals, you must discuss with the seller before doing either. Please keep good etiquette, otherwise sales may be invalidated. Thank you! By purchasing a WoL design, you are also agreeing to World of Lingua's Terms of Service, and any additional Terms of the character's designer.



Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

Offer here for Gazing-at-Aquarius! Offer period ends 1 week after the first offer. :) I will check periodically to verify comments/replies.

2024-02-20 20:19:02

draculaelliot Avatar

Hello!!! I hope you're doing alright, this is such a gorgeous design!

I would like to offer art! $200 worth of art (examples and prices: https://toyhou.se/9914064.portfolio). Turnover: 1 week per piece!

Thank you, have a nice day!!

2024-02-21 05:42:35

Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

Good evening Elliot. Thank you so much for your offer but I've decided to pursue another. :)

2024-02-27 23:02:47

Oboe Avatar
Featured by Owner

Hello! I would like to offer:
$60, one full-body shaded digital OR traditional (examples: https://toyhou.se/Iowasi/art), and any items I have left in my Mothcats inventory (here: https://www.mothcats.com/user/Oboe/inventory)

2024-02-20 20:30:51 (Edited 2024-02-27 23:00:50)

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