Comments on 7th World of Lingua Anniversary [CLOSED]

Speedy Avatar

Hello Mew!

It´s sure been a ride and a half, as I keep saying.. I still remember joining up very early because I was interested in your little escapade into closed species, knowing absolutely nothing of it all, haha.. I still remember you saying no to design aspects that are nowadays very common, which I may actually be using soon in a redesign or.. well, four. :P

I guess one of my favorite moments in Paralogos time was setting up the Silly vs Spooky event? Seeing it come to fruition over time and people having fun with it all really brought a smile to my face. It's one of the reasons why I set up the Year of Competitions, to have something in similar vein. :)

I´ve done some advertising, on Twitter, Tumblr, deviantArt, FurAffinity, BuzzyArt and

..Yeah, I love your artwork, Mew, so.. I definitely want to get all possible tickets! :P

2022-03-07 05:33:25

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Thank you as always Speedy! You're so sweet ;_; You've been awarded the full 5 raffle tickets and the associated items/currency + Memento!

2022-03-10 15:30:54