Comments on World of Lingua 9th Anniversary Raffle! + Memento! [CLOSED]

SkeletonsGeorg Avatar

Ohhhhh bless this is darling!! 9 is a lovely number, isn't it?

We'd love to enter the raffle!!! <3

As for our favorite memory... well, I sadly seem to have a monopoly on our Lingua characters over my headmates, but our very first and utterly beloved Honey remains near and dear in our heart, and they have been joyfully claimed by Negra, Little Monster, and Lil Bit as their soft emotional support paralogos! We'd get a plushie of them if we could.

We also put up an ad on Toyhouse:

2024-03-08 20:36:22

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Thank you!! Your items and tickets (3) have been awarded~
A para plushie would be amazing ;_; Honey would make a good one!

2024-03-09 13:38:23