Flower Scent (Common)
Any scent that reflects a flowering entity, some examples: red rose, may lily, cherry blossom, etc.
Natural Scent (Common)
Any scent in the realm of including: woods, greens, natural unusuals. Woods being plants, or wood types in general, such as: logs, pine, maple, etc. Greens being non-flowering plant species and similar such as lemonbalm, parsley, etc. Natural unusuals being things in nature such as rainwater, meadow, or fruits.
Animalistic Scent (Common)
This scent category includes animals (such as wolf) & animal-adjacent smells such as honey or fur.
Food Scent (Uncommon)
This scent category includes desserts, gourmands, culinary, and drinks- which can be any assortment of types of food items. Different examples such as particular cinnamon rolls exist, or different sodas, and the list continues. A very broad category.
PLEASE NOTE: Fruit USED to be in this category and is now in the COMMON NATURAL category. Anything that has PROCESSED FRUIT is still in this category. Such as candied cherries or similar.
Manufactured Scent (Uncommon)
This category includes any number of smells of manufactured types such as candles, soaps, perfume, etc. (Another example is paper without additional elements added!) These scents likely have natural influences, but would be from a candle or a soap rather than the object itself (or combination of objects).
Detergents fall into this category (being soaps), but more astringent cleansers (like bleach) would fall into a higher rarity class.
Again, things in this category are more supposed to be manufactured from natural ingredients, though we're sure some detergents and such become more artificial ingredient wise depending on source. Please ensure you're going with the spirit of this category when selecting scents!
Unnatural Unusual Scent (Rare)
This scent category includes smells that are artificial, further examples being plastic or bleach. They're non-edible, non-organic, and very far from any "natural" influences.
Experience Scent (Rare)
This rare scent category revolves around scents involving memories or experiences- very human centered. Childhood might be one example. This is generally the rarest category lore wise.