[Gift] Forbidden Root Beer Float

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[Gift] Forbidden Root Beer Float
3 ・ 2
In Paralogos & Triceridos Art ・ By JingletailContent Warning: Many eyes not on face

Sudden sea foam creates fun for some and horror for others!

Edit: omg forgot the "float" part of the title lol. Edited.

Submitted By JingletailView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago


SpicyIsopods Avatar
SpicyIsopods Staff Member

[Deyan] FORBIDDEN ROOT BEER FLOAT...............................

AAAAAAA look at them all go! This is so funny, I am LIVING!! You really captured the chaos of the Coastal Institute squad, here sdjfhskdjfgskdj -- it's so fun seeing all their different reactions! I am absolutely LOSING IT over Lake and Azuki's seafoam mustaches and Fishbones disappearing into the foam... And Cliona's soul has LEFT HER BODY, what a mood!! And blss Lincoln and their D E S P A I R... The poses and expressions here are all so delightfully silly and show everyone's personalities so well, thank you so so much!! <333

2023-02-22 16:30:55

Jingletail Avatar

DESCENT and LOSING MY SOUL are my favorite parts. xD I had a lot of fun sketching them out

2023-02-23 15:00:07

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