PARA-185-Junk-Worm: 🦀 Lincoln

Owned by SpicyIsopods
Image #258
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Last Edited: 3 years ago

MYO Design.

This Paralogos has received a Snapshot
Original Art

Caretaker Status: Bonded to CARE-10

Affiliated companion(s): COM-28-185-1

Level 3 - concrete
Word: Worm (Junk)

Each segment of the worm bears a pair of yellowish-brown, oar-like parapodia with green speckles, which contrast with the bright red gills[5] or "plumes" which endow the worm with its more common name, resembling a Christmas tree in rare cases.
This worm is sometimes called a 'junk worm' as they build their tubes using all sorts of debris (or 'junk').

Diopatra cuprea is a type of marine worm that lives in tubes covered in shell shards, rocks, algae, and other debris from the surrounding area (including random litter). The name Junk Worm is a more uncommon common name, with some other common names being- plumed, decorator, or ornate worm.

Magic Status: 1 - Neophyte
Tier 1 - Has a natural talent for found object art.

Wisdom Status: 0 - Unaware

22 May 2020, 10:23:25 EDT

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Cannot be sold
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