[Gift] Rainbow Tier 2: A Vibrant Discovery

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Magic Tier: 2

What was learned?: This Paralogos can sense when nearby rainbows form.

[Gift] Rainbow Tier 2: A Vibrant Discovery
3 ・ 1
In Magic Progression ・ By kazulthedragon

When Iris helps Atlas in the greenhouse one day, she feels a tingle in the back of her neck. Suddenly, she feels drawn towards the southeast direction. Intrigued, she follows this intuition and sets down her gardening gloves to go open the greenhouse door. With a gasp, she excitedly calls for Atlas' attention to her discovery - she found a rainbow forming in the sky!

Submitted By kazulthedragon for Magic ProgressionView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

SpicyIsopods: Gift For
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SpicyIsopods Staff Member

[Mattress] AAAAAAA!!! thanks for ioncluding my sona oin thei s COOL AS HECK ART!!! oh ma oh man oh ma oh man your art style is AWESOME wow! this greenhouse looks AMAZING, and the little sprouts i'm watering... cute! i LOVE how you drew my sona's sail thingy nd eyes and grass seed lights and... everything!!

11/10, woul 100% drop everything to go look at rainbows with iris! thanks so much for includo=ing my sona!@!! <333

2022-12-01 13:41:23

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