Submission (#3044) Approved

10 February 2023, 20:31:01 EST (1 year ago)
12 February 2023, 13:39:16 EST (1 year ago) by mewhaku


Paralogos: S'mores
She's still unapproved, but here's the planned design:

Tier: 1
Intended Ability: Flames on tail move and flicker like real fire

Tier: 2
Intended Ability: Drips on tail have a goopy consistency like melting marshmallow

Prior to achieving tier 2 magic, the drips would be present but have a more solid, fleshy consistency more similar to skin tags than to marshmallow.

My main questions here are:
1) Are the drips allowed without magic as long as they have a solid, fleshy consistency?
2) Are marshmallow drips valid tier 2 magic? We would just make them tier 1, but... we need that for the fire, which I assume is non-negotiably tier 1?


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