Submission (#1985) Approved

12 March 2022, 23:47:21 EST (2 years ago)
13 March 2022, 10:34:35 EDT (2 years ago) by mewhaku


- do paralogos feet have to have claws? (the ml seems split on that but rules say 'dino like feet' and those are clawed)
- does 'dinosaur like feet' meen parasaurolophus esque feet (3 toes) or any dino? The ml has both 4 toed and 3 toed even if I look at only the designs by official artists
- how does it work that the number of toes and fingers on a paralogos are different?
- can paralogos have dewclaws? some on the ML do(Instinct for example)
- Just checking but some Paralogos on the Ml are on all fours, so...they can walk like that too?
- If a paralogos word was ears would it have ears or ear accessories?


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