Comments on [Gift] Teeny [narrator]

SpicyIsopods Avatar
SpicyIsopods Staff Member

[narrator]: PARROTS!!!!!!! ringnecks and a blue and gold macaw and a major mitchell's cockatoo, right? with ME!!! thank you thank you! made me feel better during a scary time. words hard, but BIRDS GOOD!!!

[Deyan] Seriously, this made [narrator] SO HAPPY. What a thoughtful and well-timed gift~ <333 Also, those birds look SO GOOD! I have no idea how you managed to make this scene even look coherent, much less GOOD, at this scale, but wow you sure succeeded!!

2023-02-06 23:50:51

Jingletail Avatar

Yep that's right! I'm glad I made you feel better! :D

2023-02-07 13:36:48