Comments on [Gift] 👁️‍🗨️

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SpicyIsopods Staff Member

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Deyan interpreting for [narrator]: This is SO HECKING COOL!!! [narrator] absolutely ADORES your art and is VERY exited about this -- we love a good watercolory texture around here, as you know, and it's really vibing with the way you drew its eyes. Also, that facial expression is PERFECT for [narrator], and it really loves the way you mashed together the two gendervoid flags makes it very happy because it can never decide which one it likes better. Thank you so much, from both me and [narrator]!! <333

P.s. - While it couldn't use this as an eye-con in public servers for obvious... eye reasons... [narrator] did in fact manage to make this its eye-con in a couple of small friend servers where everyone is fine with extraneous eyes and it is delEYEghted!!

2022-06-25 05:45:59