Comments on [Gift] Old Resolutions, New Friends

SpicyIsopods Avatar
SpicyIsopods Staff Member

AAAAA this is so cool, thank you so much (a bit belatedly, oops) for including Greylock in this fun scene! This is 100% something I (and thus Greylock) would get involved in -- I love to PLAN and ORGANIZE!!! It's one of my favorite activities, in fact! And Greylock looks Appropriately Enthused here, haha. Also, I love how you drew their head shape?? Good vulture energy. AND AND AND this whole scene is just so nicely arranged? Fun poses and delightful scenery and the POINT OF VIEW!! What a fun and visually interesting angle! Love that! Thank yoooouu~ <333

2022-03-11 16:04:04