PARA-475-Lab-Rat: Dawley

Owned by Shrike

Caretaker Status: Bonded to CARE-06

Affiliated companion(s): COM-131-475-1 & COM-132-475-2

Level 3 - concrete
Word: Rat (Lab)

Combination of Lab + Rat, English.

A rat used for laboratory research.

Magic Status: 6 - Master
Tier 1 - Feels more active/energetic at night.
Tier 2 - Can identify which strain a laboratory rodent belongs to at a glance.
Tier 3 - Can heal laboratory rodents, rats most effectively.
Tier 4 - Can control laboratory rodents, rats most effectively.
Tier 5 - Can temporarily revive laboratory rodents, rats most effectively.
Tier 6 - Can turn into an albino laboratory rat.

Wisdom Status: 6 - Omniscient
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17 July 2020, 12:03:56 EDT

Can be gifted
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Cannot be sold
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